
The Labyrinth

In the late 1960s, Alice purchased a barren plot of land, with a difference in level of more than four metres, on which stands a magnificent Lebanon cedar. One morning, she woke up and remembered her dream: dressed in white, she was walking through a labyrinth. She telephoned René Pechère (1908-2002) and expressed her wish to create one on this site. That was on 1 June 1968. René Pechère was fascinated by the theme of the labyrinth and used it as his letterhead. The theme chosen by the landscape architect and accepted by Alice was the Song of Solomon, a love poem dating from the 1st millennium BC, written in Hebrew. To illustrate certain passages of the poem in the seven green “rooms” that punctuate the labyrinth, René Pechère called on sculptor André Willequet (1921-1998).


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Rose de Saron

André Willequet

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