Restoration of the Jules Buyssens Gardens (2009-2012) and the Gardens of René Pechère (2018-2019)
Anne-Marie Sauvat’s Atelier Eole successfully completed this project in two phases. Listed as a site by Government Decree in 1997 and as a monument by Government Decree on 29/04/2004, this garden is a magnificent example of the New Picturesque Garden artistic style.
A preliminary historical study helped to define the broad outlines of the restoration. The first phase (completed in 2012) was aimed at restoring the structure and proportions of the garden created in 1925 by Jules Buyssens, various works (ironwork, woodwork, pond, flower wall, masonry, etc.), restoration of the rose beds and the plant-based evocation of the different vignettes of the Picturesque Garden. The second phase (completed in June 2019) consisted of works to restore the labyrinth and the Jardin du Cœur to their original condition at the time of their creation by René Pechère.
The entire project was financed by Brussels Regional Public Service Planning and Heritage.